novembre 01 2021 – Karine Vezina
First let’s get one thing out of the way…. that old wives' tale about “brushing your hair 100x is beneficial”, is a MYTH; and who the hell has time for that anyways!
It may be a surprise to you, but combing your hair has a lot more advantages than just removing tangles, however overdoing it can do more harm than good.
Taking the time to comb, as little as twice a day (morning and night), can bring healthy benefits to your scalp and hair.
Let's break this down.
It helps stimulate blood flow. Passing a comb or brush on your head will not only feel really good but it helps increase blood flow. This is essential in bringing oxygen and nutrients to nourish your hair follicles, and is important for a healthy scalp and hair growth.
We have sebaceous glands that produce natural oils, a.k.a. sebum (not my favorite word to say!). When sebum is produced, it connects to the hairs and goes through the hair shaft to the scalp surface. When combing, we carry some sebum from the scalp down the hair shaft. I know, this sounds a little gross, but why is this good? Well, since sebum is a natural moisturizer and a protective oil, it nourishes, adds shine and gives your hair a soft and smooth feel.
Allow yourself the time for a scalp massage. Take 30 seconds to a minute in the morning and in the evening, hey, maybe even set your daily intentions or practice gratification while you’re at it. Point is, don’t rush, and enjoy it because this might be the only peaceful moment in your crazy busy day.
We all experience hair loss, and this is totally normal. We may lose up to 100 hairs a day, yikes! When combing, we help to naturally remove those hairs that are falling, but when we don't, hair doesn't fall out as much. If you skip days without shampooing, and your hair has been tied up, when you finally wash it, expect to see a lot more. This explains why your shower drain gets clogged and your partner complains about it all the time. So to avoid the shedding freakout, take the time to do it.
As previously mentioned, combing your hair can be harmful if done too often and harshly, this can cause breakage and hair loss, so limit it to twice a day and be gentle. Your type of comb or brush is also important. Using a wide tooth comb will put less stress on your hair than a brush with tight bristles or a comb with tight teeth. When detangling, start at the ends working slowly through those tangles as you work your way up to the scalp.
Curly hair should always be detangled while wet, with a conditioner or a mask. You want your comb to slip through without pulling. If needed, break down those tangles first with your fingers and then gently pass a wide tooth comb.
Pro tip: Combing is also beneficial when you apply a hair treatment or leave-in product, as it helps its distribution and you end up saving more.
So the conclusion is, it is necessary to make combing part of your daily selfcare ritual, but remember these tips, not too often, use the right tool, be gentle and most importantly, take that precious time for yourself.
Your hair advisor
Founder of Wednesdays ‘N Weekends