Your Morning Ritual

February 22 2023 – Karine Vezina

Your Morning Ritual

Your Morning Ritual

We know you're busy and have a lot going on. But let's be real, not every part of your day needs to be a race to the finish line. Instead, choose one thing in your routine to enjoy and give it the time it deserves. Whether it's taking an extra moment to appreciate your bedhead and then taking your time to brush your strands or actually using that fancy soap you just bought, find that one little thing that makes your day a little bit brighter. 

If you're the kind of person who likes to start the day at 5am feeling like a fully functioning human, more power to you! Maybe it's a cup of coffee, maybe it's a run, or maybe it's simply taking the time to write in your journal that gets you going.

For those who aren't morning people, we get it. The snooze button is just too tempting. How about trying to find something that motivates you to get out of bed, like the promise of a delicious breakfast or a cute outfit.

And hey, if making matcha or burning a candle is what sets the tone for your day, then embrace it. It's your morning ritual, and you should enjoy it as you like. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the kind of person who wakes up at 5am to do yoga and meditate. Or maybe you'll always be the kind of person who hits snooze three times and stumbles into the shower. Either way, as long as you're taking care of yourself, it's all good! Just remember to make time for YOU.

Tagged: morning ritual, morning routine, slow mornings, waking up